Wednesday, February 22, 2006

recording struggling time... but looks professional right ?? ;p Posted by Picasa

getting serious..... concentrating on my script... Posted by Picasa

before the recording time..... inside broadcast lab..... Posted by Picasa

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Broadcasting~ ~

I went to broadcast lab for my recording assignment...... very excited.... hahaha :D It's a bit stress... I choose to edit song at home.... but actually it can be done in the lab... haih... I don't know it can be done there.... I thought the lab is just providing for us to record our voice.... (how stupid !) Now only I know we can do editing inside there.... but I already done at home how ?? haih.... just record.... everyone also bring their thing to edit there... somemore the lab assisstant is helping them to edit.... *sigh* I use 5 day to edit at my house (feel really stupid....)

Saturday, February 11, 2006


not feeling well these few days.... feel like my stomach and gastric are full.... can't take food anymore.... today is the worst.... vomit all the time....even though I don't take any food I still keep vomiting.... why?? huh..... so tired of vomiting....the whole body feel like no energy.... everything couldn't been done.... sitting or sleeping also feel tired.... what can I do ??haih.....

Sunday, February 05, 2006

my mood

Chinese New Year is going to end soon.... feel abit weird... don't actually know what's happening.... maybe is just life life have to be like that isn't it ??@_@ heart keep burning......... maybe it's anxious.... anxious what ??Anxious about the world and things happen around me.... tired of everything... really feel like jumping out of my life scope and try to look at this world... maybe i can find it's beauty.........