I know, this title is kinda funny to some of my friend (since they still do not agree that I grow up and could be an adult) =.=" BUT, friends, glad to announce here, I turned into 21st this year. Thanks to those who remember my birthday~~
and also, specially thanks to those who gave me a memorable, unpredictable, special 21st birthday celebration. I love it and enjoy it very much :) Thanks you, muacksss >.<
Happy Birthday to my dear friend, Mr Pig Chow Guo Wei too, turned into 21st 2 days earlier than me... hehe :p Hope that you don't mind to celebrate together with me for 3 years.. yupe, correct, is 3 years, unbelievable~~
Dear friends, 21st birthday was so warmth to me. I will definitely remember this day forever and ever.
Okiess, it's time to make a promise to you all, or I would say it's taking all your kindly advice. Melanie grew up! I promise I will take good care of myself, always.
Okiess, it's time to make a promise to you all, or I would say it's taking all your kindly advice. Melanie grew up! I promise I will take good care of myself, always.
Let's stay happily together :D
so many soft toys for mel mel huh? especially piggy toys, why ar?
it must be a special feeling to have someone celebrate birthday with you for 3 years right? =) so good..
yupe...coz I kinda love soft toys:)
The feeling,is weird but good... coz u will prepare another person's birthday while you forget your own 1.. is it kinda weird?? hahaha:D
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