Sunday, April 22, 2007

Is feeling vital to human?

I'm back to my blog.. It's been a long time since I my last post.. Recently just end a period of busy life.. Finally I've finished year 2 semester 1.. It's time for me to take a good rest before another challenge come in next 3 weeks... By the way, my final exam will start next week, which means tomorrow but I don't really expect myself to study very hard.. because I've spent lots of time playing, relaxing and enjoying my "short break"... hehe;p and I found that this semester I have difficulties to concentrate.. do you want to know why?? I couldn't let you know because I don't know the cause to it.. Today seems like having a complex, hard feeling.. I suppose I shouldn't so anything today but I did that and it ends up hurting myself... Thought time passes and I could feel better, face better, adopt better, but the hurt feeling is still there.. although I tried very hard to forget but the harms had been done.. and it just become a part of bad consequences stayed in my mind and soul...

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