WARNING : this is going to be a long, self-express post, no offend, no other purposes
These few days I really got myself tied up, I understand the feeling that every one in our group don't feel happy that we are not being agreed...
But I must said, I felt 10 times more than what all of you felt, I felt even more than upset...
So far, it's like a bomb deep inside my heart, I know I shouldn't put it this way, but until that day when our idea is not being agreed, I can totally confirmed that's what worried me so far...
So far a bomb that stayed inside me and I tried so hard to forget, to ignore......
When ms leung mentioned it, I knew, what I thought, what I felt was true....
Don't ever tell me ms leung tried to stepped down on us, I don't think she wanted that to happen too...
Although I, myself found it very hard to take her words, I knew, she is making it very clear to us, she is trying her very best to help us identify the problem...
What she mentioned, I totally understand, and I totally agreed... Not that I don't want to support our group, do you ever know that what ms leung said I already mentioned in our discussion...
Don't said I didn't voice out... I stated it very CLEARLY !!!!!!!
And I even mentioned more than once, but as the feedback I got:
1. "You can't always want us to follow your idea, you also must consider our idea..."
2. "Where got illogical? Where got not make sense?....."
3. "You are very hard to get along with... always want your idea only..."
4. "Don't think too much..."
THESE are what I got...
*Sigh* I'm not here to blame anyone.. but at that moment when ms leung mentioned the problems, I got really sad because we could totally avoid these....
But.............. you all........... NEVER trust me... DON'T EVER TRUST ME in the very beginnning...
Till this happen, I totally know how you all think of me, think me as a person that
couldn't accept other people's idea
wouldn't want to change idea
would strongly prefer to stick with my own idea...
And, you all NEVER NEVER think me as a Scriptwriter that will stands at the script point to voice out the problems...
I got really disappointed with this....
Another matter is since I accept the post as Scripwriter, I NEVER EVER avoid from bearing any consequences....
I know if anything happen, it's my responsibility to bear the consequences, I'm ready to bear it anyway....
But, WE ARE ONE TEAM.... please let me feel that IT'S WORTH FOR ME TO BEAR CONSEQUENCES!!!!!!! I really got mad with those in our group who KEEP ON PUTTING BACK FIRE !!!!!!!!!
Don't understand, nevermind.... I explain ! Don't know, nevermind... I tell ! Don't agree, nevermind... I listen !
But when everyone agreed, everything fixed, don't ever want to change it...
And the worst thing, when we are facing third party, you don't think us as a group, you think yourself individually... you reveal the problems to the third party, and when we got tease back by the third party, how do you EXPECT ME TO RESPOND ????????!!!!!!!!! And, finally, you think that the third party is purposely teasing us !!!!
You don't even understand, when we face a third party, we are actually fighting....
That time, in that war, I knew only 2 person were fighting at the front-line, and you keep on putting back fire, pulling back legs...
NONSENSE !!!!!!!
Now, 3 person facing a third party, two person got speechless, and you keep on saying nonsense, doing nonsense action, what is your ulterior motives????
You try to show that you are capable??? You try to show not your fault????
Now I know how STUPID you are..... how RIDICULOUS you are............
You can be more IDIOT than that..................... WTF !!!!! (you make me said that)
That night, I knew, it was the suffered night for everyone of us...
That was my tuffest night too.... I felt hardly to come across that night, I cried for the whole night
MAINLY because
PARTLY because
Piss OFF !
(Just for the sake of expressing... I felt very fard to get across this....)
Saturday, July 14, 2007
A Mix
Posted by
小馨梦妮子 Melanie
2:55 AM
Labels: Broadcasting Life
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我不懂那个人是谁啦.. 但是每个人都有每个人的立场与想法.. 可能你想的跟他/她想的不一样.. 可能是妳误会了他/她的想法? 我不知道啦.. 因为不是我嘛.. 我知道这只是妳拿来发泄的管道.. 我也知道不是我们其他人给Ms.Leong讲, 妳会觉得我们不明白你们的感受.. 所受的委屈和不开心远不比你们多.. 打击不必你们大.. 但是我们大家都很不开心啊.. 是真的很不开心.. 也接受不了.. 但是在那之后, 我也释怀了.. 挫折是一定有的.. 反正凭着我们大家10个人的力量, 我就不信有什么不可能.. 反正再艰难的时期, 也不会过不了.. 也死不去.. 我知道妳所做的一切努力都比我们多.. 我也知道妳很辛苦.. 但是难道就因为这样的事情, 就击倒妳了吗? 就像那天一样, 我们都知道妳一定是哭过整夜来, 也一定没有睡好.. 但是妳的样子真的很吓人.. 可能妳的沉静是妳的方法.. 妳/你们所受的打击真的很大.. 但是难道就这样吗? 有必要搞成这个样子吗? 我个人是觉得不值得啦.. 并且有一点笨.. (no offence) 我知道那是妳的方法和执着.. 但是我真的.. 唉.. 我那天问妳为什么不讲话, 然后妳shoot回我, 她们也讲为什么我还要去liu妳, 但是我就觉得这样并无补于事啊! 你们什么都不说, 我们又什么都不懂.. 不懂下一步要怎么做.. 我们是一个team叻! 你们这样, 让我觉得很什么咯..(那时啦) 事情发生就发生了, 不能怪谁, 大家一起弥补, 又不是世界末日, 死不了人的.. 妳看妳那时把自己弄成这个样子, 神智不清, 都不知道自己要讲什么..(我们讨论新剧本的时候), 我还真不明白.. 很多事情, 就像我们自己所写的剧本一样, 简单的快乐, 打从心里面开心.. 也像微笑pasta里面成晓诗的金句一样"笑一笑没什么事过不了" 所以啊, 妳应该改一改妳自己的心理建设, 凡事不用看得太重, 伤心不爽够了, 就应该向下一步前进, 解决问题, 而不是在问题里面打转, 一直想, 然后更不开心, 这样妳自己不开心, 大家也不开心.. 记得, 要学习释怀..
可能妳会觉得我没有资格来讲你, 但是这是我身为一个朋友和旁观者的心里话, 希望妳真的能看开.. 可能你们会觉得我们这些什么都不理的人讲的话固然轻松, 但是这并不是我们逃避的方法, 而是我们处事的方法. 就像T2的战争, ok可能你们会觉得我们什么事都不用管就很轻松, 好像事不关己的态度. 以我个人的看法啦, 我是觉得没有必要弄成这样, 抱持着平常心和宽恕的心, 不与别人一样, 不必自己拿来气, 这样不是很好吗? 可能每个人都有自己的想法, 妳跟我不一样, 那也是人之常情. 所以就释怀咯.. 人生短短几十年, 何必为了这些可笑的事来糟蹋自己的光阴呢? 凡人=烦人, 但要看我们自己怎样去改变它..
oh还有, 妳说我们不接受不听妳的意见而造成今天这样的局面, 其实是可以避免的. 其实我觉得没有什么大问题, 可能妳个人是会觉得很难受啦, 但是我觉得这样我们大家又比别人更成长多一点, 而且从这次的教训, 我们大家也吸取了经验不是吗? 没关系的.. 妳也说我们不听妳的意见和idea, 就反对妳的东西, 但我们10个人之中, 谁又没有试过呢? 我被反过, jon被反过, luan被反过, etc... 如果说当初我们大家一个人也没有提出加进我们的意见, 也不能担保不会被banned吧? 对吗?
我也不要长篇大论了, 妳也是聪明人, 应该知道我要表达的是什么了嘛? 无论如何, 加油! 团队的力量是无可预测的!
*笑一笑没有什么事过不了* :)
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